Republic via a GCR: Update as of April 30, 2024


30 April was the Launch date of
both Operation Storm and the Global Currency Reset.

30 April Martial Law. Mass Arrests. Military Tribunals:

The Zionist Khazarian Mafia Pedophiles (120 intelligence agents who served the
Devil), will not be able to walk in the street. W.W.G.1.W.G.A TO GITMO. …The 17th
Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram Mon. 29
April 2024

have two US governments
(US Corp / USA Republic); two US presidents
(Biden / Trump) and two Global Monetary System Resets in progress (CBDC / QFS).

of Wed. 24 April 2024
there was active Military in 360 US
cities awaiting a Supreme Court announcement “that will rock the World” and
trigger Cabal Deep State planned protests. That Supreme Court announcement was
believed to have been reached some time ago as positive rulings on the Brunson
Case, plus another 2020 Voter Fraud case brought by Sidney Powell – either of
which positive decision would automatically dissolve the Biden Administration
and all of Congress. At that point it would be made public that the US was
under Martial Law until a new election could be held.

John F. Kennedy History Lesson on the Cuban Missile Crisis:

The CIA/CABAL was trying to push JFK to start a nuclear war and he refused…
Turns out he had secretly been talking to the Russian president. The Military
Industrial Complex is even more evil now than it was then.

IRS Agent talking with a Prosecutor was unable to confirm that there was a law that
US Citizens were required to pay income tax.
Thus, this case
of tax fraud was dismissed because there was in fact, no law requiring taxes. The
income tax lie was the greatest lie ever told in American history.

29 April:
They have found Nano Technology in Coca Cola and
Pepsi products – nano bites that screw up your system.

National Space Agency created the non-asset backed currency Bitcoin.

It was all a ploy and part of the new Digital Currency rollout the Cabal
planned to have in place by 2030 designed to completely control peoples of the

1989 – 34 years ago – the first episodes of The Simpsons appeared, done by
former CIA Agent and Cartoonist Matt Groening.

The Simpsons have miraculously predicted dozens of major events: The Twin
Towers, BLM, the division of Ukraine, the US elections – all this and much more
is predicted in advance in The Simpsons, where 89% of the cartoon series’
predictions have coincided with reality for 30 years.

28 April Situation Update:

29 April
Breaking News: The Clock Ticks Down to Basel III
Compliance: Wells Fargo and the Countdown to Basel III Compliance – A Dramatic
Shift in Banking Regulations

29 April Situation Update:
BOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell
Report: It’s Time! Martial Law – Military Tribunals – Event Incoming – You are
Deep Inside the Storm – World-Wide Green Sky – Prepare! Restored Republic via a
GCR: Update as of Mon. 29 April 2024 Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: It’s Here!
Martial Law, Military Tribunals, Near Death Civilization Event Incoming, Prepare!
Special Intel Report 4/29/24

A. Timing:

30 April: Launch of
Operation Storm. There was expected to be an announcement that JFK Jr. was not
only alive, but working in the Q Movement as the USA Republic Vice President
under Donald Trump.

30 April:
According to Goldilocks a Market currency rate reset will now happen across all sectors,
including Forex, beginning on that same Tues.
30 April.

1 May Day – A new Beginning.

Thurs. 2 May
If a bank was not Basel 3 Compliant, they would either be closed,
or absorbed by another bank. The Central Bank of Brazil has announced they would
launch their new “international banking” system on 2 May. An EBS Test?

5 May
Orthodox Easter

Q’s Timeline Revealed! The Final
Countdown! T-Minus [15] When Do You Attack The King & Queen.

B. Global Currency Reset:

Mon. 29 April Wolverine: Beginning
April 30, 2024
there will be a Market Reset in all Market sectors,
including Forex. Everyone is ready. The Depository Trust Company has sent
notice that Corporate notes or bonds, Crypto currencies, Bitcoin, or any asset
in the future that is not backed by a commodity has a risk of decline in value
(based on real-world assets) when the market resets to a new set of values that
begins on Tues. 30 April. (The
Trust Company, founded in 1973, is a New York corporation that performs the
functions of a central securities depository as part of the US National Market

Mon. 29 April MarkZ: Today in Iraq Iraqi President Sudani told the
Iraqi people on TV to prepare for a Dinar rate change.
News Alert:
Urgent Currency Exchange Directive Issued by Central Bank of Iraq

Mon. 29 April Al Saleh, the Finance Advisor
to Sudani, stated that the
2024 Iraqi budget (with the
new Iraqi Dinar Rate in it) was already in full force.

Sun. 28 April Iraq, Frank26: “Eddie said Saleh on TV saying the Budget
is in force and active, and there’s no need to send it to Parliament for
approval. Tomorrow they will hold a special session to elect a House Speaker,
finally. They announced a new electronic platform called SAP, saying this
platform allows the currency to go international. And the world wants to
communicate with Iraq and do business with them.   The budget does not need Parliament anymore.
Sudani removed Parliament from the monetary reform process, that’s why they’re
upset. The budget is waiting for the exchange rate.   The budget is prepared, the budget is ready.
It does not need laws, or signatures, it’s ready.   The exchange rate needs to come out as soon
as possible to shut Parliament up, and the budget will kick in before
Parliament before they can blink an eye. Iraq was invited to the big boy party
in Saudi Arabia because they have a big boy rate. The budget is an operational
budget. When it was voted on a while back it was intended for paying for  operations inside Iraq. Now Sudani can make
any kind of change without a vote.  
Sudani, IMF, World Bank, CBI, US Treasury and the citizens  are all forcing the exchange rate.

Tues. 23 April
an announcement was made on the official
website of the Central Bank of Brazil about the advent of a new “international
banking” system scheduled to launch on May
2, 2024.

Iraqi Dinar
was the Kingpin that would launch the
Global Currency Reset of 209 countries. “The Governor of the Central Bank of
Iraq has told the citizens to prepare for a currency exchange.” …TNT Tony

Fri. 26 April The National Bank of Iraq Went Live with Core Banking and

Mon. 29 April 2024: Nearly 8 Billion People Transitioning to
the Quantum Financial System: A Comprehensive List of Banks Integrated with QFS
and the Role of RTGS in the New Financial Era

Global Financial Crisis:

29 April 2024:
Exposed: “Operation Banking System
Collapse” – The Khazarian Cabal’s Secret Scheme to Trigger a Global Banking

29 April 2024:
Egypt, South Africa, Nigeria, Ghana,
Cameroon, Senegal, Algeria and Saudi Arabia have begun withdrawing their
national gold reserves from the United States.

Mon. 29 April 2024: The yen has crashed in
early Asia trading, tumbling to match is exact lows from April 1990 in what is
being blamed on a ‘fat finger’ trade or multiple barrier-option trades being
triggered, by sources that have literally no idea why. Exactly 2.5 hours after
the headlines came out, the ratio crashed from 160.20 to 156.50. 1+5+6+5 = 17.
The yen has lost nearly 25% of its purchasing power against gold over the past
six months.

29 April Bank Bail-ins Set Up, Major Wall Street Bank to Fail:

Restored Republic:

29 April
BQQQM! The Resurgence of Power: Trump, Cheyenne, and
Military Operations Propelling the United States Towards World Superpower
Status – Military Intelligence

June 6, 2024
, Airbnb will enact a “Major Disruptive
Events Policy” to restrict bookings due to “weather events, government travel
restrictions, or large-scale utility outages.” 
A friend of mine who works in AirBNB’s corporate staff confirmed this
new policy and the effective date. The date of June 6, 2024 seems quite peculiar as it could translate to “666” (6/6/2+4).  My friend has always said AirBNB corporate
was like an extension of the DNC: Biden’s former Chief of Staff, Ron Klain is
AirBNB’s Chief Legal Officer. Obama’s former W.H. Press Secretary, Jay Carney
is AirBNB’s Global Head of Policy & Communications. …Mike on Telegram Mon. 29 April 2024

Wars and Rumors of Wars:

27 April: A White Hat blockade prevented an armed FEMA convoy from entering the
tornado-ravaged suburb of Elkhorn, Nebraska, Saturday morning

after a violent twister outbreak razed hundreds of homes and businesses and
left citizens stunned and clamoring for necessities such as food, water,
shelter, and electricity.                                                                          

29 April 2024:
Massive anti-government protest currently
in Tel Aviv. Participants demand a ceasefire in Gaza and calling for Prime
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to resign.

27 April
Biden sent $6 million to Hamas to inflame a War.

29 April 2024: Deep State Plans to Launch American Civil War:

Biden Behind Arming ISIS, Benghazi, Seal Team Six Massacres:
Behind Arming ISIS, Benghazi, Seal Team Six Massacres, 2020 Election Fraud,
Child Sex Trafficking.

Pelosi, Obama Charged With Treason, Collusion with the Chinese Communist Party:

The Real News for Mon. 29 April 2024:

29 April 2024 Fulford Report Bloody Monday:

29 April:
The International Criminal Court is preparing to issue
arrest warrants for Israel’s Prime Minister and other top senior government
officials. “Israel has asked the United States to sanction the International
Criminal Court if it issues arrest warrants for Prime Minister Netanyahu and
his government.”  …The General on
Telegram Mon. 29 April 2024

discussed illegal tax systems in this country for the past 7-8 years.

We all know what happens with our tax monies, it’s all laundered to the
[cabal], the war machine (Pentagon as the militant arm of the Triad of Evil),
and much goes back to the very politicians who pass these ILLEGAL tax laws and
ILLEGAL bills no one reads. We’ve shown you the lack of ratification of the
16th Amendment that was pitched to see the ILLEGAL tax system. We’ve also shown
you IRS rules 601-602 which clearly state taxes are voluntary.” …Tironianae on
Telegram Mon. 29 April 2024

29 April: Gaddafi Killed Immediately After Making This Speech:
| EU

28 April:
On The Fringe: The Fake Fight to End Biden!

26 April:
New SG Anon: “Bombshell: Something Big Is
Coming” Situation Update Apr 26th 2024

than 30 years ago Stanley Meyer
invented a fuel cell
that could make all cars run on any kind of water for only $1500. Fresh water,
rain water and even sea/salt water. Then he was murdered.

G. International Child Sex Trafficking, Organ and
Adrenochrome Harvesting Ring Run Out of the Vatican and housed in China’s Three
Gorges Dam in the 1500 mile tunnel that runs between the Vatican and Jerusalem:

LA County Probation Department now faces THOUSANDS of child abuse allegations,
rape and sexual abuse. And it turns out the Department of Justice in 2006 found
SYSTEMIC child abuse at these probation halls and simply put them under
“federal oversight” for 6 years.

29 April 2024 Former BBC Employee Found with Almost 60,000 child sex abuse

Charles, Queen Elizabeth Linked to Satanic Deaths of Children, Murder of

H. Covid/ Ebola/ Swine Flu/ Polio/ Small Pox/ BSE/
Zika/ Sars/ Monkey Pox/ AIDs/ Vax/ H1N1/ Graphene Oxide/ Chem trails/ Fluoride,
Processed Foods, Human Clones Hoaxes:

29 April:
Kill Cancer Cells: Dandelion Root Is Able To Kill 98%
Of Cancer Cells Within 48 Hours

27 April:
BREAKING: Arizona Republican Party Declares Covid-19
Injections Biological and Technological Weapons, Passed Ban the Jab

Plandemics – and killer Vaccines – of the Future:

UK scientists have begun developing vaccines as insurance against a new
pandemic caused by an unknown “Disease X”. The work is being carried
out at the government’s high-security Porton Down laboratory complex in
Wiltshire by a team of more than 200 scientists. They have drawn up a threat
list of animal viruses that are capable of infecting humans and could in the
future spread rapidly around the world.

State Senator Bob Hall, speaking in May 2021:
American people are now the guinea pigs… They didn’t do the human testing,
and they stopped the animal test because the animals were dying, and then they
turned it out for the public. And we are now looking at businesses that want to
mandate that this experimental vaccine be given to people as a condition of
their employment. And yet we have this death count that continues to rise and
be totally ignored.”

29 April 2024 British MP Mark Francois:
“The WHO is attempting
to grant the WHO Director-General—an “unelected” and
“unaccountable” individual—”unprecedented levels of power”
to declare public health emergencies on a whim; mandate vaccines, vaccine
passports, lockdowns, masks and travel restrictions; and censor dissenting
voices, among other things.”

Tent: “Obama sold out the US citizens by signing the Monsanto Protection Act

into law. So no matter what the food does to us, they are totally exempt from
selling us toxic foods. 1986 The Act Vaccine Manufacturer no liability. 2013
Monsanto Protection Act.” “That’s why I say: No shot, no GMO!” …Dr Judy
Mikovits, PhD

military doctor states chem trails
contain barium salts,
human plasma, microviruses, non-terrestrial nano-silicon machines, poisonous
aerosols, and can even be used to augment ‘biocoding’ frequency-transmission
capabilities, to provide an assistive-basis for “thought-based DNA warfare”.

2020 Election Fraud:

MILLION ballots trafficked in the 2020 Election
7% of mail-in ballots were trafficked in every Swing State True the Vote has
looked in. “It’s an organized crime that was perpetrated on Americans.”

one in five mail-in ballots in the last election was fraudulent,

handing Biden the presidency. We know this because the people who committed the
their ballet, in part fraud have admitted it in a new poll. …Tucker Carlson on
Telegram Mon. 29 April 2024

Mon. 29 April 2024 The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram:

to NSA sources, “White Hats”
are currently attacking
the Fort McPherson base complex in Atlanta, Georgia. It is here that the
Rockefeller citadel of AT&T and CNN conducts fake psychological operations
of the Joe Biden administration.

see how bad things are with psychologists
, watch how stupid
Biden reads quotes from his teleprompter. “End quote. Repeat the

to Canadian intelligence sources
, Biden’s fall will be
followed by a similar move in Canada. “Justin Castro will be removed from
office and humiliated in front of the world community. The Canadians, supported
by the military alliance, are waiting for a signal to act,” they promise.

their part, Dutch farmers warn Prime Minister Mark Rutte:
protests will continue. We have the support of millions of people. There will
be actions that Holland has never seen.

looks like it started in China too.
People are rebelling
against the CCP machine. Banks collapsed there, and the police were unable to
stop the protesters by fraudulently manipulating their mobile devices to make
them look like they had “Covid.”

Chinese people should understand that George Soros boasted that his people took
over China in 1987.
We had a video of him saying that, but it
seems to have been deleted from our computers and from the internet. However,
the fact that the regime there agrees with the fake pandemic and the
accompanying excessive social control is a clear sign that they are not working
for the Chinese people.

MI6 source says
: “The days of the G7, G20 and the
like are over. Their failure will be reflected in an economic crisis leading to
global unrest, similar to what we are seeing in Sri Lanka.”

these archaic prime ministers
should be captured and
shot along with all these old habits Clear the deck,” the source

the regime finally falls,
people will hear a lot of shocking
things. Here are some clues as to the nature of the horrifying truths that will
come to light during the public trials and hearings that will follow the
worldwide defeat of HMM.

Gibson told the Truth about Pedophiles and child Sacrifice

It cost him his acting career. He said he had enough money and had nothing to
worry about.

Mon. 29 April 2024 White Hat Intel:

are coming close to the Biggest EVENTS
and near death
civilization EVENT SAGA. Long before anyone was talking about a world war
nuclear standoff I was telling all these events would unfold …. But I also
told you it was going to change the world for the good.

Putin, Cheyenne Mountain,
XI, Modi and MBS are all working
together to bring down the Cabal World Deep State in all countries.

EVENTS are important:
The EXPOSURE of the Globalist elites
running the CIA, M16, Mossad Military Intelligence and controlling Deep State

is connected to pedophilia,
War mongering, World Money
Laundering, Ukraine, Israel, UN, World Banks, Election Fraud, Color
Revolutions, Hidden Technology, Creation of Virus, Assassinations.

– taking down the DEEP STATE
financial system

US Space Force (USSF) attacked the Quantum Computers,

from a CIA base in Texas to a AT&T underground base, to one of the biggest
Quantum Computers in Five Finger Lakes

opens up Russian BRICS Financial system
for countries to trade
the their money away from FIAT system.

goes to China and meets with XI’s #2.
Military move
information between Xi and Musk. [These are important military markers to
insure several nations watching that Musk (Cheyenne Mountain +++) is working
with Russia. China. BRICS] …. very important to let world leaders and
military know MUSK went to China. These are MARKERS X

becoming obvious to World Military Leaders
and Deep State Intelligence
that Biden was placed by White Hats in Game Theory Operation. A U.S. collapse
could not happen under TRUMP.

must be far away
from the collapse and blame for several
reasons and then have a clean return.


– 12 rape accusations, – 121 mysterious deaths (57
from their inner circle),- 1 dead American ambassador, – 3 Navy Seals Dead, –
10 investigations, 1 impeachment , 2 disbarments,

30,000+ emails deleted to hinder a federal
investigation and helped arm and create ISIS by political decisions made as
Secretary of State.

Illuminati Deep State Cabal Globalist Agenda:

Change? Contrary to propaganda pushed by geology deniers,

ice core data has repeatedly shown that temperatures were considerably higher
in the past than those of today, utterly disproving the politically motivated,
human-caused “climate emergency” narrative.

Change? One of the world’s most respected scholars, Thomas Sowell:

“Temperatures went up first and then there was the increase in carbon
dioxide. You can’t say that A causes B if B happens first.”

is the basic foundation of and building block for a One World Government
Under this structure They will own it all…Private
land, food, resources, material possessions, everything and anything that you
can imagine.Why do you think Bill Gates is buying up so much farmland, and
BlackRock is buying up entire housing markets in the United States, Europe and
throughout the world? Farmers’ protests are happening across Europe. They are
protesting to save their livelihoods against governments who undermine them.
That’s why the public overwhelmingly support them: Netherlands, Scotland,
France, Poland, Lithuania, Belgium, Greece, Italy, Germany, Portugal and soon
to be joined by England, Wales, and Ireland. This is a full scale rebellion
that the public need to support.

29 April 2024 Geologist and author of ‘Green Murder’, Professor Ian Plimer:

“Governments have been stupid enough to uncritically accept the climate
propaganda perpetuated by bought and paid for climate pseudo-scientists, based
on climate models totally at odds with the actual empirical scientific data.”

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