Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of July 19, 2024


Judy Note: Through his Telegram site, the 17th Letter, JFK Jr. Vice
President of the Restored Republic,
advised us to pay attention to Trump’s
acceptance speech on Thurs. night 18

“He received official security briefings on Thurs, so would be putting many
things in order. You have to understand how important today is (Thurs. 18 July). The gloves come off. This
is why they were scrambling with Joe Biden today.”

That scrambling of Biden and Trump security
briefings on
likely had nothing to do with him having been diagnosed with Covid, but more to do with the links that were surfacing of
Biden’s connections to the Trump attempted assassination, including the Cabal’s
Blackrock placing massive options on Trump just before the assassination

Not only were security
issues compromised with Biden’s wife taking agents away that Saturday, but Forensic
analysis of the Trump Assassination Attempt revealed a chilling detail:
11 shots were fired from THREE distinct firearms. The
precise timing raises HUGE questions. Evidently there were three gunmen, not
just the one who was killed.

At any rate it, appeared that Biden would be
well before he had to face the Kraken
announcement coming next Wed. 24 July
where 2020 Election fraud likely proved he was never elected US President.

It appeared that both parties had already
figured out a way to get rid of Biden.
It was rumored that the fake President was
airlifted to Walter Reed Hospital on
. and would likely resign sometime
this weekend.

ultimate truth is about to emerge from the shadows.
We have everything. How can we use what we
know? How do you ‘legally’ inject/make public/use as evidence? What are you
witnessing unfold? Trust The Plan.” …Q

“The Three Day Event Has Begun: Trump Attempted Assassination: The Shot Heard
Round the World. Solar Storm Ahead: Power Grid, Oil Pipelines At Risk. Nine
Nations Including the US, Insolvent: Global Market Crash Imminent. Brace For
Impact. Nothing Can Stop What’s Coming. The Great Awakening. A Week to Remember.”
…The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram Thurs. 18 July 2024

“The Storm Is Coming! Follow the Crumbs. You Have It All. SEC Conf
Will Be Analyzed. Dark [10]. Enjoy the Show!” …Q

“The Deep State will fall tonight. Believe that!” …MAGA General on Telegram Thurs. 18 July 2024

Thurs. 18 July 2024: Mark Halperin from Newsmax
just reported that Joe Biden has agreed to step down from the 2024 race as
early as this weekend.

Thurs. 18 July 2024: Yesterday President Xi
of China suffered a massive stroke and was now in critical condition.
Xi has been working with the Global Military
Alliance under the leadership of Donald Trump, to take down the Chinese
Communist Party, plus insured that China was a founding member of the BRICS
Alliance. This week BRICS was completing the Global Currency Reset (GCR) of 209
countries to gold/asset-backed currencies. The GCR was taking away the Deep
State Cabal’s control of the Global Financial System and giving it back to The
People. Xi’s stroke happened just four days after a failed assassination
attempt on Trump. A Heart Attack Gun was known to be used by the CIA (which was
known to work with the Chinese Communist Party) to assassinate those they saw
as a danger to the Deep State Cabal.

Wed. 17 July 2024: Shocking Revelations of VP Vance by Kerry
Cassidy of Project Camelot

Remember The Children: Back on Thurs. 1 April
2021 over a thousand trafficked children and dead bodies were being rescued out
of a Walmart/Clinton owned Evergreen Ship blocking the Suez Canal.
The dead and barely living children were
rescued out of 18,000 shipping containers in the Suez Canal by US Navy Seals. The Japanese-owned, Taiwanese-operated ship of Evergreen
Corporation was actually co-owned by Walmart and the Clinton Foundation – known
for it’s international child trafficking ring. The children were said ordered
out of magazines like Wayfair by pedophiles who paid big bucks for certain
abused children. Wayfair and Child Trafficking? The Rabbit Hole Goes Deep. –
The Vigilant Citizen

Demise of the Fiat US Dollar:

(1) Since 1913 the municipal corporation doing
business as UNITED STATES, INC. had yearly collected all US taxpayer dollars through
their privately owned IRS and Federal Reserve, only to send all of it for use
of the Queens Bank of London, then over for use of the Vatican Bank and on for
use of their Central Banks across the world.

(2) About
a month later
the US
tax monies were finally back in the US at a New York Central Bank, where this
privately owned US Inc. then charged US citizens interest to use their own
monies in order to pay the privately owned US Inc. federal employees – a system
that was the cause of the deep US national debt.

(3) Having,
with the help of blackmailed members of Congress, wildly spent the US Dollar until
it was fiat,
US Inc.
was entered into bankruptcy by its owner, Pope Francis, on 24
Sept. 2015
 – a Chapter 7 liquidation that was covered up in 2008 with the so-called “Mortgage
Crisis” and finally ended on 5 Nov. 2020 –
right after and in line with the 2020 Election that fraudulently selected Biden
as president of the privately owned US Inc.

Thurs. 18 July 2024: According to Dr. Mike
Yeadon, former vice president at Pfizer,
the experimental mRNA injections were deliberately designed to cause
blood clots, in addition to the immune system attacking itself. “My
contention is that there are multiple deliberate toxicities built into these

Thurs. 18 July 2024: Bombshell Report! Judy Byington: President
Trump Just Sent An Emergency Broadcast Message! The Final Battle Starts in 7
Days! Operation Kraken in Motion. . .

Thurs. 18 July 2024 (video): Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: Happening Now! Q
Alert! President Trump Just Sent An Emergency Message! Operation Kraken in
Motion! Special Intel Report 7/18/24

A. Possible Timeline:

Timing of a pending Internet Shutdown and Ten
Days of Darkness
the World will be determined by a Quantum Computer’s analysis of the entire
international situation.
The Mainstream Media will close down while
people will be asked to stay indoors to watch documentaries explaining what was
going on. Meanwhile Military troops stationed across the Globe will arrest
anyone who has cooperated with the New World Order and their creation of the
Virus and Vaccines – an operation that could start any time this week.

On Thurs. 11 July 2024 the financial capitols of the World in Zurich,
London, Toronto and Reno
 activated a Global Currency Reset of 209
countries to gold/asset-backed currencies.
On that same Thurs. 11 July 2024 the Three Gorges Dam in China broke. Three
Gorges was the first of 34 Satanic sites to be destroyed. It held the Chinese
Communist Party’s Child Sex Trafficking Ring Headquarters and Bio Weapon Labs.

On Sat. 13 July 2024 Reno
started GCR payments to Whales and
according to
Q Codez VII on Telegram, was
also the date for s
tart of a Scare Event – which turned out to be an inside job
of an attempted assassination on Trump.

On Mon. 15 July 2024 GCR payments to upper levels began, as did the start of the Republican National
Convention, which was the end of the
Scare Event.

Wed. 17 July 2024: According to Bruce, Tier4b could be notified
of exchange appointments a few hours after the end of the Republican

Wed. 24 July 2024: Operation Kraken: The Final Battle in motion
…President Trump; possible JFK Jr. comes out of hiding.

Thurs. 25 July 2024: End of Lockdown. Christmas in July. …Q Codez VII on Telegram

B. Global Currency Reset:

C. Thurs. 18 July 2024 Wolverine:

The Precatorios group has started. They are going to make a global announcement
on Sat. 20 July 2024. They will
release their “own opera” to celebrate this incredible achievement. This group
only started about two months ago with huge momentum, they have funds beyond
scope, and they will be well off. Good news from them. 

The Pentecostal group is paying, and we will hear good news coming
from them.  They have been instructed to
do no more audios. So, all is hushed at the moment.

Bond holders: I have seen private contracts, I have seen
the certificates, never seen so many zeros, one account in Mauricio’s group had
36 zeroes, but so many more zeroes on these other certificates. Obviously, most
of these funds will be going to humanitarian purposes as no one person could
possibly use this quantity of funds.

We are just on the edge! Another bondholder has received

I know you want to know about Tie4B, but this is all I am receiving, as I am just
a messenger.  The Tier4B group will come
like a thief in the night. Just wait for it to happen for our email.  There was no announcement made for these
bondholders and this is what will happen for all of you. Just keep an eye on
your emails. If Bondholders are getting paid, then obviously Tier4B will start.

At the moment, I am not hearing anything from
Reno or Zurich.
  But if they are paid, they would be under an

I am mostly hearing from independent sources
out of Brazil
and good
news from Colombia as well. And good news from the private contractors.

There is not much noise coming from Hong
Kong, Reno or Zurich

everything is hush, but I suppose that is good news, and we will wait to see
what happens later in the day (Today is My Friday morning).

Hopefully we will get really good news that
we are waiting for.
opera is just around the corner and hopefully to be released soon. Keep the
faith this is coming. Precatorios and Pentecostal are being done now and the
rest will come. 

D. Thurs. 18 July 2024 Bruce:

We had pretty good info coming to us
on Tuesday, but today it got more intense.
This afternoon, we got about 4 to 5 different calls from our sources
puts us. Remember we talked about the 18th our drop-dead day to get things
started. Well…I think it still is.  I
am going to tell you what four different sources have told us:

1)  Our
redemption center source

that talked directly to Wells Fargo Atlanta, saying we would have this within 24 hours.

2) Then we had a call from New York Wells
Fargo Corp, that said we would be getting notifications after markets close tomorrow Friday 19 July, they close at
4 pm for the stock market and then Forex shuts down around 5 pm for the weekend
for 48 hours. So either 4 pm or 5 pm
depending on what market you are talking about tomorrow

3) We had military Special Forces that
contacted us that said this would start when Pres Trump accepts his nomination
for President tonight.

Then we found out that should be during his speech tonight. We do not know when
in the speech he accepts the nomination, but we think that it was going to be
within a half hour to an hour after he accepts the nomination. At that time, we
heard he was going to come on and speak early during the Big Call. 

4) Then we heard from another military source that said Pres Trump would not speak until
approximately 10 pm EST, which is now, and that we would receive his speech
then, and we would get his acceptance for nomination for president, and then a
couple of hours after he received that nomination, we could receive our start
for our 800 numbers to come.  So I think,
realistically, we are looking at the possibility of getting this in the
morning, and see what happens between tonight and tomorrow morning.  Maybe we do get this overnight, maybe we get
it tomorrow. And we get out toll free number and set our appointments. 

5) Another front, Iraq has lower
denominations out
, this
means all businesses using lower denominations in circulation in country, and
we have heard that the rate on the IQD in country, international rate is over $6
in country. This has little to do with us or our rate here. 

You have heard me say that they intend to
offer us the contract rate on the IQD
which is quite high, and that is offered to us and we should not have
to ask for it, because Pres Trump wanted us to get the highest rate available.
That is what we are hearing now. This is a good time for us.


Thurs. 18 July 2024: BOMBSHELL!! Gold-Backed Revolution: QFS Is
Setting the Stage for a Global Financial Reset Like No Other! – Gazetteller

E. Restored Republic:

Thurs. 18 July 2024: US Inc. Not Legal – No
Corporate Charter:

Thurs. 18 July 2024 US Under Military
Government, Fulford Report:

F. Global Financial Crisis:

Thurs. 18 July 2024 Bank of England plunged
into chaos,
Piercy, reporter: The Bank of
England has been plunged into chaos as it warns of house buying ‘delays’. A
“global payments issue” has hit the Bank of England’s CHAPS service,
one of the largest high-value payment systems in the world. Both high street
banks and international banks use the system to make large payments, with it
processing around £350bn a day. CHAPS can also be used by people spending lots
of money – up to millions of pounds – on items such as cars, boats and
properties. The Bank of England has said that the issue is causing delays to
high-value and time-sensitive payments, including some house purchases.”We
are mindful of the impact this is likely to have and are working closely with a
third-party supplier, industry and other authorities to resolve the issue as
promptly as possible,” it says. It is currently not clear how many
payments have been impacted by the issue with CHAPS. Retail payment systems and
cash machines have not been affected. Sky News has reported that a cyber
incident has been ruled out by the bank. Sky business presenter Ian King says
it’s not uncommon for CHAPS to experience problems, but the fact that it’s a
global issue “does raise one or two eyebrows”. “The problems usually
crop up when one bank or another is experiencing a particularly heavy workload,
and that’s when delays can happen,” he says.”Potentially, it could
cause a lot of aggravation for people who are trying to complete on a housing
transaction today. It is a big part of the financial plumbing for the financial
services industry.”

G. Wars and Rumors of Wars:

Thurs. 18 July 2024 Russia’s Foreign Minister says bloodshed in
Gaza would end if the United States stops sending weapons to Israel.

H. The Real News for Thurs. 18 July 2024:

Thurs. 18 July 2024: Bombshell Report! New World Order: The George
W. Bush White House and the ‘Skull and Bones’ Files – Exposing the Order

Thurs. 18 July 2024: BQQQM!!!! Operation Kraken in Motion: A
Military Behemoth Unleashed – A Fierce and Unstoppable Force!

Thurs. 18 July 2024 Judge Engoron who
presided over the illegal Trump trial has been arrested:
Arthur Engoron Arrested!

I. International Child Sex
Trafficking, Organ and Adrenochrome Harvesting Ring Run Out of the Vatican and
housed in China’s Three Gorges Dam in a 1500 mile tunnel that also runs between
the Vatican and Jerusalem:

Thurs. 18 July 2024 100,000
Kids Locked in Cages Under Getty Museum:
Wed. 20 Sept. 2017: Human trafficking survivor: I was raped
43,200 times | CNN

Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano exposed
and names Hillary
Clinton, John Podesta and former editor of The Recount, Slade Sohmer, who was
recently arrested for child porn. He also discussed how Jeffrey Epstein ran a
blackmail operation on his island and collected evidence of well-known people
committing heinous ritual crimes against children.

J. Thurs. 1 April 2021: Trafficked Children,
Bodies, Weapons of Mass Destruction Found on Walmart/Clinton Owned Evergreen
Ship Blocking Suez Canal
Children, Bodies, Weapons Found on Evergreen Ship Blocking Suez Canal

Over a thousand trafficked children and dead
have been rescued
out of shipping containers in the Suez Canal by US Navy Seals. Sources say that
as of this writing (Thurs. 1 April 2021),
children were still being rescued and bodies discovered in Evergreen’s
18,000+ containers.

The Japanese-owned,
Taiwanese-operated ship
 of Evergreen Corporation was
actually co-owned by Walmart and the Clinton Foundation
– known for it’s international child
trafficking ring. The children were said ordered out of magazines like Wayfair
by pedophiles who paid big bucks for certain abused children. Wayfair and Child
Trafficking? The Rabbit Hole Goes Deep. – The Vigilant Citizen

The containers were on an Evergreen
Corporation ship
blocked the Canal from Tues. 23 March to Mon 29 March, causing
billions in lost revenue to shipping companies internationally.

The Seals also found Weapons of Mass
on the
six story high vessel – which were believed destined to start a war in the
Middle East.

Finally by Tues. the Evergreen cargo ship was loosened and taken to Bitter Lake in
Egypt. By order of the Egyptian President, the containers were taken off the
ship and searched by US Navy Seals.

Evergreen was believed to not only be
carrying trafficked children, but Weapons of Mass Destruction.
Many other ships that were blocked in the
Suez Canal last week were also discovered to be carrying weapons – believed to
be used to start a war in the Middle-East. Why? The weapons were going to be
given to the Muslims by the Israel Mossad.  

Human traffickers were being arrested and
cartels busted
– losing
critical income for their owners worldwide. The Deep State Operation was
said to have lost 400 million $ an hour while the ships were stuck for a week –
that would pale in comparison to what those children were undergoing.

Evergreen vessels were having problems in
ports all over the world.

Why? Why were Special Ops US Navy Seals magically on the scene to rescue
the children? Was the ship purposely run aground? It was rumored that holes in
Microsoft software allowed someone, or ones, to hack into the Evergreen ship
software, take over the steering and run it into the bank.

We may never be given the whole story. So far the Evergreen ship’s Capitan in the
Suez Canal has refused to cooperate. Now why on earth would a Ship’s Captain
not cooperate, unless there were major reasons? Won’t hand over the black box?

Why would a vessel of that size from Taiwan
list it’s first destination as the Netherlands?
Why would the below news article NOT mention
Amsterdam? (Only Dutch) Lots of significant signals and clues were being
released. Egypt could seek $1 billion from ship Ever Given. 

K. Covid/Vax/Ebola/ Swine Flu/ Polio/ Small Pox/ BSE/ Zika/
Sars/ Monkey Pox/ AIDs/ Vax/ H1N1/ Graphene Oxide/ Chem trails/ Fluoride,
Processed Foods, Human Clones Hoaxes:

Thurs. 18 July 2024: According to Dr. Mike
Yeadon, former vice president at Pfizer,
the experimental mRNA injections rolled out en masse from late 2020
onwards were deliberately designed to cause blood clots, in addition to the
immune system attacking itself. “My contention is that there are multiple
deliberate toxicities built into these materials.”

Wed. 17 July 2024 Steve Kirsch: “The vaccines actually killed more
people than the virus did. I’m looking forward to a day when a vaccine that has
killed more than 10 million people worldwide is actually taken off the

Thurs. 18 July 2024 Lee Merritt MD
“I knew
it was out there: Surgeons reported in 1889 that cancer = parasites. The medicine
I was taught was one big lie. At the sitting of the Academy of Science, in
Paris, M. M. Bauphietay and Adelde Roseville, surgeons of great distinction,
addressed to tbe Academy of Medicine a detailed note on the Animalcula, or
small animals resembling lice, which are found in all the Cancers that they
have examined. These gentlemen have sought the means which are best fitted to
destroy these Animalcule, and their experiments have led them to recommend the
following different articles as washes by which these small ani-main may be
destroyed: Brandy, or the Tincture of Iodine, or Concentrated Solutions of the
Doable Chloride of Mercury, or the Chloride of Gold, or of Arsenic, or of the
Salts of Copper, or of the Nitrate of Silver: each, or any one of these
articles, will kill these small animals, medically called Animalcula, in the
short time of twenty minutes, or half an hour at most, and unless they are
destroyed by some such agents, it will be impossible to cure this disease, and
to a want of knowledge of the proper remedies, may be attributed the failure of
curing this fatal and tormenting affliction. This unfortunately is only a
theory, and in practice is so successful. The cause of Cancer is unknown. New
York State has established a laboratory for the purpose of studying the
disease, and there are many individuals working to determine the cause. Up to
the present, some have been successful.

Ivermectin and Cancer: Ivermectin kills
Parasites cause

Ivermectin suppresses tumour growth and metastasis through degradation of PAK1
in oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma:

Antibiotic Ivermectin preferentially targets renal cancer through inducing
mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative damage:

L. Judy Note: Failed Assassination Attempt
on Trump
– An Inside Job?

The FBI had Thomas Matthew Crook’s phone number at least 24 hours before the

Parents of Trump Shooter Thomas Matthew
Called Police Hours
Before To Report Their Son Had an AR-15 and Was Missing.

The Secret Service spotted Crook on the roof nearly 30 minutes before the shooting.

Rally attendees noticed a man on the roof and informed law enforcement,
who didn’t appear to react to their constant pointing him out.

Forensic analysis of the assassination attempt revealed 11
shots were fired from three distinct firearms.

The sniper who killed the would-be assassin Jonathon Willis said he
was ordered not to shoot and didn’t until after Crook’s first shot that grazed
Trump’s ear. Afterward Willis was arrested by the FBI, interrogated and lost
his job for not following orders.

The Head of
the Secret Service
has since confessed to ordering that stand down.

Thurs. 18 July 2024: The FBI refused the House Homeland Security
Committee’s urgent request for Director Christopher Wray to testify next week
about the assassination attempt on Trump.

Trump’s rally shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks, is a 20
year old from Bethel park PA. Reports have alleged that he was a member of

The Deep State Cabal’s Black
the world’s
largest money manager, pulled a 2022 ad featuring Trump shooter Thomas Matthew
Crooks. Thomas Crooks, the 20-year-old who shot and wounded former President
Donald Trump at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania, briefly appeared in an ad for
BlackRock Inc. The company said Crooks was a student at Bethel Park High School
and appeared in the 2022 ad with other unpaid teens, adding that the ad has
been pulled.

The cover-up of the
assassination attempt on President Trump continues.
According to Tom Fitton, Butler
County sheriffs were not wearing body cameras. How strange is it that, on this
particular day, a key law enforcement agency did not have its responding
officers equipped with body cameras? …Private Q Evidence on Telegram Thurs.
18 July 2024

There was an odd 801%
increase in trade volume of DJT the day before the attempted assassination.

Thurs. 18 July 2024 Biden
Administration Blamed for Weakening Trump Security Before Assassination

Thurs. 19 July 2024: Breaking: Trump Snipers Make Shocking Claim
| Bongino Confirms New Details

Thurs. 19 July
Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes: Names Names About the
Assassination Attempt & Declares President Trump the Ultimate Bad A*s!

Wed. 17 July 2024 Sniper Ordered Not to Engage:

Wed. 17 July 2024 FBI Had Crooks Phone 24
Hours Before Attempt on Trump:

Wed. 17 July 2024 Trump Shooting Screams
Inside Job:

Wed. 17 July 2024 Would Be Assassin Spotted
26 Min. Before He Shot:

Wed. 17 July 2024 Biden Stonewalls
Congressional Investigation: Tues. 16 July 2024 Jill Was There:

Tues. 16 July 2024 New Details in Trump
Assassination Attempt:

M. Matt Tardio, Retired
Green Beret, Prior Law Enforcement Officer Who’s An Explosives Expert Breaks
Down The Significance Of The Donald Trump Assassins Transmitter Found

There is NO WAY this wasn’t
an inside job.
just got more weird for the President Trump assassination attempt. Right down
here below is a transmitter, and we’re about to talk about why that is a huge
flipping deal.

— So what does that
transmitter have to do with the explosives found inside the vehicle, and what
does it tell us about the suspect?
So, obviously, he presses a series of buttons on the transmitter, which
then goes towards the receiver. It then sends out an electrical impulse, which
then runs through the charge and detonates it. Now that electrical impulse
that’s sent out by the receiver, or in this case, we’re gonna call it the
switch, is not enough to set off the main charge. That, my friends, is why
electric blasting caps exist.

‌Now, if that’s the case and
he actually had his explosive devices rigged
up to an electric blasting cap, he could have acquired them one of 2

The first way is he could
have made them
Precursors are readily available at numerous places here inside of the United
States, and truthfully, I’ve even had them sent to my front door off of Amazon.
Now he could have taken those precursors and mixed his own explosives out of it
and made his own electric blasting cap. Only problem is, in order to do that,
it requires a very precise formula, and it’s highly volatile when you’re making
and drying it. Then he would have to pack the cap without blowing himself up
and so on and so forth. Manufactured caps are very closely tracked, so I highly
doubt he got his hands on one of those.

‌Now the suspect is 20 years
and last I checked, he does not
exactly have an extensive background in chemistry. He’d also have to have a
location to dry out the explosives after he manufactured them.

And by the way, I want you
to picture, like, a breaking bad laboratory.
It doesn’t have to be that extensive, but a lot of the same materials
you see used in Breaking Bad to manufacture the meth is the same thing that he
would be using in order to manufacture the explosives. It’s chemistry.

His parents would have seen
They would
have smelt it. They would have noticed. He lives at home. So he’d have to have
a storage facility or somewhere else in order to make it.

‌But, again, it goes back
into how the hell did the kid not blow himself up doing it
because the temperatures have to
be very exact. And if it it gets too hot, you can freaking cause the whole
thing to detonate right there on the spot. A lot of people are speculating and
saying that because he doesn’t have a social media profile, it’s kind of weird.

But I want you to look at it
from a foreign actor’s perspective.
If you were going to be training somebody and giving them the means in
order to do what this gentleman did, would you want them to have a social media

‌Answer’s no. Because all they have to do is
make one dumbass comment, and the whole thing is going to get tipped off to law

So you would want to recruit
somebody like him

who is been picked on in school, likely has a couple mental issues, but also
has no real social media presence and likely gets his interactions online
through different platforms, like, I don’t know, say, 4chan or Reddit. Once
they’ve got it and recruited, then they just need to talk to him. Once they’re
talking to him, either through, you know, emails, private messaging, whatever.

‌Right? There’s a million
different ways to do it.

They don’t even have to meet up with the guy. They can just give him a series
of tasks, and then once he completes those tasks, and they know he’s good to
go, then they can start dead dropping him the different things that he needed
in order to conduct this attack. This whole thing looks shady as hell.”

N. Stock Market and the
Trump Assassination Attempt, SGAnon on Telegram Thurs. 18 July 2024:

It’s interesting that one of
the firms which took an enormous “short” position against $DJT
ONE DAY before the assassination
attempt of 7/13 has now been identified as Austin Private Wealth LLC, which is
majority-owned by George Soros and BlackRock.

A quick dive on APW LLC
the firm to
be connected to Presidents George Bush Sr. and Jr., who attended events and were
involved in the company’s “charitable outreach”. Former Secretary of State and
HW’s Chief of Staff James Baker has been the firms Senior Policy Director since

APW LLC according to their
also directly
supports the ACLU, ADL Austin, Shalom Austin, Camp Young Judaea, Austin Jewish
Academy, and Hadassah.

Recall also that it was Alex
who first
infamously shared the Atlantic Magazine cover which featured a bullet hole in
glass, with a picture of $47 cash, a message some interpreted as a cryptic
“hit” being put out against President Trump by the Soros family

O. Thurs. 18 July 2024 Summary of News from
Charlie Ward:

According to NSA sources, “White
are currently
attacking the Fort McPherson base complex in Atlanta, Georgia. It is here that
the Rockefeller citadel of AT&T and CNN conducts fake psychological
operations of the Joe Biden administration.

To see how bad things are with psychologists, watch how stupid Biden reads quotes from his
teleprompter. “End quote. Repeat the line”.

According to Canadian intelligence sources, Biden’s fall will be followed by a similar
move in Canada. “Justin Castro will be removed from office and humiliated
in front of the world community. The Canadians, supported by the military
alliance, are waiting for a signal to act,” they promise.

For their part, Dutch farmers warn Prime Minister Mark Rutte: “The
protests will continue. We have the support of millions of people. There will
be actions that Holland has never seen.

It looks like it started in China too. People are rebelling against the CCP
machine. Banks collapsed there, and the police were unable to stop the
protesters by fraudulently manipulating their mobile devices to make them look
like they had “Covid.” The Chinese people should understand that
George Soros boasted that his people took over China in 1987. We had a video of him saying that, but it seems to have been
deleted from our computers and from the internet. However, the fact that the
regime there agrees with the fake pandemic and the accompanying excessive
social control is a clear sign that they are not working for the Chinese

An MI6 source says: “The days of the G7, G20 and the like
are over. Their failure will be reflected in an economic crisis leading to
global unrest, similar to what we are seeing in Sri Lanka. All these archaic
prime ministers should be captured and shot along with all these old habits.
Clear the deck. When the regime finally falls, people will hear a lot of
shocking things. The nature of the horrifying truths will come to light during
the public trials and hearings that will follow the worldwide defeat of HMM.”

Mel Gibson told the Truth about Pedophiles
and child Sacrifice
… It cost
him his acting career. He said he had enough money and had nothing to worry

P. Thurs. 18 July 2024 The 17th
Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram Emergency Thought Crime

You know based on current headlines I
wouldn’t be surprised that the Deep State would assassinate Joe Biden and blame
it on D. Trump supporters.

Which, of course, will probably prompt the Cabal to deploy their Black Hat
Military. We cannot underestimate how desperate these people are. Because they
could use this as an excuse to cancel elections and do a full court press and
put the entire nation on lockdown.

Blaming such actions on groups like MAGA or a foreign nation like Iran would has
already been carefully orchestrated plan with falsified evidence, that can
create international and domestic crises. But in less than 24 hrs D. Trump will
be officially receiving security briefings. And I think now that flaws have
been shown in the secret service who are trying to blame local law enforcement
will surely be something of high consideration by D. Trump to now overtly use
the US Military for protection.

Something we have been covertly under since
or even before that when the 11.3 Laws of
Wars operations was implemented that allowed the military to work behind the
scenes. Some know this as EO-13912 that allowed D. Trump to be a War Time
president indefinitely under the new republic that was enacted on July 4th
2020. Evidence of this can be found in a testimony where D. Trump stated officially
under oath that he was not the president in January 2021 prior to Joe Biden
taking office.

Many people would say how is this possible? Because that would mean no one was running
the country for 20+ days which would be a 1st for any presidency. Because most
people do not know that we have been under a corporate government since 1871 –
which was a fictitious foreign body that is governed by foreign powers. Along
with agencies like the CIA, Mossad, Pentagon, and MI6. Who are panicking at the
thought of being arrested due to the crimes committed under the guise of
Covid-19 and not to mention the Jan-6th incident. Nevertheless, prior to those
crimes they were already headed to Gitmo for the 2020 election fraud.

Everything they have done since then was another shot at correcting that mistake
because Michael Flynn knew that in order to pull that off without anything
leading back to the agencies he worked for he had to attempt to get Donald
Trump to call Martial Law so he can then confiscate the Dominion Voting
machines. I gave you all a good breakdown of this as to why – which would lead
back to those phone records in “The Flynn Network”.

Do you all see how massive the Cabal networks
False Flag Operations will not slow down. Because here is what else they have
not scratched off their bucket list before going to Gitmo: The Missing
Explosives. The USL/ESLs Release. J. Biden Removal Before November 5th.
Nationwide Blackout. Fake Alien Invasion.

They have quite the list to choose from and definitely have the technology to pull
it off. But of course as I have said before we are watching a chess match and
the final move before checkmate can only be made by the Cabal. Because the US
Military knows that they only have so many moves left on the board. And it will
also help in introducing the public to advance technology that has been hidden.

The Cabal are being allowed to make these desperate moves because it
brings about disclosure in a more organic way where people will understand at
that point that there have always been factions hell bent on enslaving them and
were forced to reveal those plans because they wanted to retain power by not
allowing people like D. Trump take office when his slogan has always been
“Power To The People” – which is also found in his many policies and

Not to mention the assassination attempt that has already caused a shift in the
consciousness of people who are going after those making snarky post about how
the shooter should have taken gun lessons prior to attempting his 1st kill.
Tenacious D had to cancel the rest of their tour from the backlash they have
received. So the tide has already turned in D. Trump’s favor in that regard.

Q. The TRUMP Rules: Congressional Reform Act
of 2017
, Dr. Charlie Ward

President Trump is asking everyone to forward
to a minimum of 20
people, and to ask each of those to do likewise.  In three days, most people in the United
States will have the message. This is an idea that should be passed around,
regardless of political party.

Serving in Congress is an honor and privilege
NOT a career.
Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators should serve their term (s),
then go home and go back to work … not get all kinds of freebies.

Pass it on!!!! Let’s
help TRUMP drain the swamp!!  Just hold
your finger down then hit forward and send it to everyone you know.  Let’s help Trump get the country straightened

1. No Tenure / No Pension. A Congressman/woman collects a salary while
in office and receives no pay when they’re out of office. And, no more perks go
with them.

2. Congress (past, present, & future)
participates in Social Security
. All funds in the Congressional retirement fund move to the Social
Security system immediately. All future funds flow into the Social Security
system, and Congress participates with the American people. It may not be used
for any other purpose.

3. Congress must purchase their own
retirement plan
, just as
ALL Americans do.

4. Congress will no longer vote themselves a
pay raise
. Congressional pay
will rise by the lower of CPI or 3%.

5. Congress loses their current health care
and participates in
the same health care system as the American people.

6. Congress must equally abide by all laws
they impose on the American people

7. All contracts with past and present
Congressmen/women are void.
American people did not make this contract with Congressmen/women. Congress
made all these contracts by and for themselves.

S. “Ken
and Barbie vs. Goliath IRS” Update Thurs. 18 July 2024

Dear Patriot Friends
and Family,

  Today is day
number 324 of the so-called, “Barbie & Ken vs Goliath IRS”
adventure.  Today we share with you proof positive that I am 100%
innocent of the charges; proving that I am NOT “a lying tax cheat”.

Cromar case #2:23-CR-00159-HCN-DBP
From 8-Day Trial Transcript May 21-31, 2024  Salt Lake City,

of 22 year IRS veteran, and prosecution’s “expert witness”, John
Jensen (Salt Lake City) by Ken Cromar:

you aware of an IRS code that requires me, the defendant, to file a federal
income tax form?

you an IRS expert? 
No. I am not all-knowing. I am not. Sir, I don’t know if there is any specific code that
requires you to file. The Wall Street Journal offered
 a $50,000 bounty for anyone that  could
show a law where –nobody could collect the money because no one could cite the


of Ivan Bird, American Fork Police Department (AFPD) by Ken Cromar:

Bird: I went to the county
records and found that your name was still listed on that property.

Q. Did you think it would be
necessary to go and arrest me?

“Freed” Scambos, witness for the defense by Ken Cromar:

Q.  Were you aware that I moved
back into the house after the Government claimed to have seized my house?

Q.  Did you tell me it was safe
for me to move back into my house?
So approximately April of 2020, were
you aware of my considering moving back into my house?

Q.  Did you tell me you believed
it was safe for me to move back into my house?
I told you that I believed
you had a legal argument to support your position under the law because the
court had acted without jurisdiction.

Q.  Did you have any other advice
as to how I might continue from there?
Yes.  I
pointed out that everything they were doing was based on fraudulent
Substitute for Return documents.  The assessments that they claimed were
never performed.

Q.  Did you tell me that you
agreed with my analysis of the research that I did not owe any more —
that I did not owe federal income tax?
Well, you’re not liable for the tax.

Q.  How
long did you — did you tell me how long you’ve been  studying the
 IRS code? 30

Q.   Did you tell me that you
believe that there’s no law that you know of that requires me, Ken Cromar, to
file a federal income tax return?
  Yes, that’s correct.

 Q.  Why? Because
I can show you the requirement that does exist in the law, and it doesn’t
include citizens.


3. Ron Gibson – Land Patent Expert witness for the defense by
Ken Cromar:

Q.  Were
you aware that I filed a land patent on my home and property?

Yes.  I was made aware of that.  You
made me aware of that.

Q.  Did you tell me it was safe
for me to move back into my house?
Yes, I did.  And the reason being
is that, with my background and research, when you leave a piece of
property, it’s considered to be abandoned.  And you didn’t abandon
your property.  Because the land patent is what’s defined in law as
an allodial title.  It means “God giveth.”  And the rest of
the definition owing to no one nor to any lord or superior.  So
the interference that you have experienced, there’s no authority for anybody to
do that.  Because the way Congress set it up, once the land is disposed to
the private sector, then, in essence, the Government’s intervention into that
in any manner cannot infringe upon that title.

Q.  Very good.  So just
in conclusion, you advised me that I had — did you advise me and teach me
that I might have a very strong lawful position standing on my land patent in
my house?
Well, I just mentioned to the fact that from
everything that a patent represents and the laws that pertain to that relative
to the court cases that the Supreme Court leveled, that you did, from that
standpoint.  But I was just sharing information with you.

Q.  And so is there — did you
tell me if there’s anything higher in authority than a land patent?
Not as far
as title goes.  Land patent is the only true title to land in our

(defendant in error) went for 8 full days, May 21st- May 31st, 2024.  No one
thought I had a chance of success because the prosecutor and the judge appeared
to be working together in a very biased way against me from the very
beginning.  Nevertheless, after my “inspired and inspiring”
closing statement to the jury, they began private deliberation.  I’m told
these often last only 2-3 hours or less.

My jury went on for three days of deliberation!  Clearly, many of the
jurors wanted to vote for me.  The previous quotes taken directly from the
1700 pages of trial transcript typed live during the trail, shows why many of
the jurors may have been pulling hard for me.  But, in the end, the
judge’s “Jury Instructions” that the jurors were sworn to
obey, they were left no choice but to find me “guilty” on two counts
and miraculously innocent on one count.

 The evidence and testimony within the 1700 pages prove I am 100%
innocent!  I obeyed the law, but the prosecution, the courts, the judge,
and law enforcement did not.  Instead, I now await sentencing January 9th,
2025, which is over 6 months from the date of
“conviction”.  Very strange. 

We’ve filed 6 motions for Judicial Acquittal on June 18th and hope and pray
that Judge Nielson will actually acquit me of his own power based on the facts
and the law, or allow us a new trail.  

During it’s 100+ years of existence, the IRS has proven itself a cancer that
has spread throughout America and has metastasized.  The IRS was created
and specifically designed by evil men to steal wealth, enslave the people, fund
USA promoted blood and horror throughout the world and destroy God’s cause of
liberty in this nation AND throughout the entire world.  God considers the
destruction of liberty an “abomination”.  So, does it look like
I’m a political prisoner, kidnapped and held hostage by the IRS/DOJ?  Sure
looks like it!  

Please feel free to share this email far and wide to help wake up our fellow

We believe in miracles.  Thanks for your continued prayers, with love, Ken

Ken Cromar presently sits in jail having been
found guilty of living in his own fully owned home and after proving in a
Federal Tax Court that he owed no monies to the IRS.
Despite the Federal Tax Court ruling in
Cromar’s favor, the IRS sold his home at auction and threw away all his
possessions including expensive camera equipment he used to make a living.


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